FDA refuses to provide pet food ingredient definitions to pet owners
The FDA has recently refused to provide pet owners the legal definitions of pet food ingredients. In other words, every single pet owner in the US is forced to buy pet products while being denied access to knowing what is in that product. What does “Made with Real...
Don’t Give Up On Your Anxious Cat
Getting to know Link My rescue cat, Link, has always been the most gentle and loving cat I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He greets every person with a chirp and promptly jumps on their lap for pets. He will even gently grab your hand to let you know he really...
Owners declare their No. 1 pet food issue — Can you guess?
(This article is credited to Dr. Karen Shaw Becker ) A 2016 Nielsen survey asked French and U.S. pet owners to evaluate thousands of real-world product concepts for commercial dog and cat food. The survey results showed the most important feature for the vast...
Leash Training
Many people think that dogs just innately know how to walk politely on a leash, but this skill is something that needs to be trained. Fortunately, it’s one of the easier skills to teach a puppy. Dog-training expert and AKC Family Dog Training & Behavior...